December 27, 2010

I Never See Me!

I made a brief visit last day
To the places,
Which were once dearer to me,
And I traversed through
The familiar paths
With palpitating heart!

On my psychological walk
I saw a boy there in early teens,
Who smiled, and jumped
Out of joy, and sometimes,
Cried, shouted and sat silent.

My inquisitive eyes
Watched him curiously,
And I identified him as the younger me
Whom I lost once, somewhere
In the path of
My transfer to adulthood.

Amidst my dust-coated memories
I scanned for myself
How did I look? How did I behave?
Oh, these obsolete, nonsensical thoughts!

I never see me
And I was seen by myself,
Through others’ eyes, silent narrations,
And through the reversed reflections.

When would I see myself?
Perhaps on the day,
When time travelling gets possible,
And when I learn the trick of 
Psychic transmigration.


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