February 18, 2008

Photosession with the celebrated MS Cat 'Links'

You Know him well..He is the celebrated kitten 'Links' employed by the Microsoft Windows to assist Microsoft Word users..A unique photo session with him

February 12, 2008

Waving the Dreams Away

(Previously Credited under the title "Lines of Dreams Depression and Seasons")

I remember now…
There was a dream I had once
A dream that I boasted about
A dream that connected seasons, rains,
Wetness, trees, winds and the songs.

I dreamt to sing sweet melodies
Being patted by the cool wind
When the mist drops scatter around
From the wet tree branches
On a rainy day..

There was a cold pang of tinted sadness
Piercing my heart
During the fall of summer to winter.

Clutching my heart with its deep roots,
The sadness,
Shook my heartbeats to fall to null
Causing terrible disturbance of my thoughts
During the grayish desks of
The same rainy days.

That was the time,
When I expected the same sadness
To come back
With Scary looks and Empty mind,
With aching heart
And with rusted brain.


The imageries vacated,
And the poetic aptitude began to
Suffocate inside me.
And I began to fear a cursed isolation
To give some queer definition
To the ‘uniqueness’.

I am afraid of the same isolation
To dig up some terrible olden pictures
From my memories,
And made them to reflect
In front of my own eye frame.

Dreams become wearisome
And I feel to wave away them
Adieu! Adieu! Adieu
Adieu! the dreamy elves
My farewell to thee all!!!

February 04, 2008

Opening my morning windows

A silent valley afar,
The remote nature around,
And the dreams too there,
Fading and occurring frequently!

Somewhere a nightingale
Sings at a distance,
And the wintry intense wind too!

A new morning comes to life
As the darkness go beyond!

The sky seems to come blue,
And there I am
With the beloved solitude!

While waiting for the next dream
Ah! I have made waken up!!
Green grass-tips wear
The wet gloom of mist!

The trees of the valley
Puts on greenish black!
So the birth of a new morning!!

When the birds peep from the nests
Hearing the wet voice of a smooth brook
Flowing ceaselessly somewhere!
And there is the loneliness
Posing in its full height!!

And I have to begin again
My journey,
My duties,
And all..!!

The perpetual agonies too..!!


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